Friday, May 11, 2012

Just poking my head in.....

Hey I am Special With Needs! readers....

I haven't posted anything in a little while. I wasn't abandoning my readers :-( I have been really busy with my new program, "Helping Hands". (By the will of Allah) I have been able to create an awareness for children who have special needs through being out and about within the community, talking to members of society informing them about children who have special needs and the resources available in their city,mainly Jeddah. I feel this is also my responsibility as an advocate for children and families with special needs. Society needs to be educated, this includes you and I. Because I work in the field doesn't mean I know every single thing. There is always new research, new diagnosis, and new methods within this field which may be hard to reach for one reason or another. With this being the case, it's important for us to stay up-to-date on topics that deal with special eduction, both in Saudi Arabia and around the world.

I have realized the first step in lending a helping hand, specifically here in Saudi is by educating the people. If the community doesn't know about people with special needs or disabilities, special education and special needs resources in general how am I to expect them to help their family members or children.

For my readers who are interested in learning more, what do you recommend as steps that I can take that would help to benefit you, your family or your community? Please leave comments below....

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