I have recently had the pleasure to contact and interview a mom who has a 2 year old son, both living here in Saudi Arabia who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Please read our conducted interview below. Leave comments of questions or concerns in the comment box below.
Mustafa :-) |
What is your child’s name?
How old is Mustafa ?
What is Mustafa's diagnosis?
"Trisomy21 down syndrome"
When did you find out about Mustafa's child’s special needs?
"We found out after birth it was never suspected during pregnancy so it was a huge shock to me and my husband"
What challenges has your family faced since Mustafa's diagnosis?
biggest challenge was accepting and coping and facing the fact that our
son has Down Syndrome. Feeling different emotions from shock ,sadness
,denial, to accepting it and finally coping with it. As well as doing
all we can for Mustafa to be the best he can be."
other challenge was our society. At first some advised us to not tell
anyone that their is something wrong with our baby. They even advised me
to get pregnant right away. Anyways I blame it on the lack
of awareness in our country. I don't blame the people because I was like
them. I had no idea what Down Syndrome was. I thought it meant
What kinds of support have been helpful for you? (family, teachers, friends etc.)
"Alhamdullilah our family and friends support to us was unconditional, they were and still are amazing with us and with Mustafa. At
first they didn't know what down syndrome was so they all searched it
online and gathered so many helpfull information and some talked to
doctors ,Others read books ,watched DVD's. They all stood by us and I
thank god for each and everyone of them. But
our main support came from an amazing woman who works at the Help
Center. Her name is teacher Nahla. When I met her Mustafa was 2 weeks
old and I was so broken. She helped me become a strong mother for
Mustafa. I owe her my life because she is the reason I am living a
normal life with my husband and children."
If I were Mustafa's teacher, what advice would want to give me so that he has the best possible education?
{ I would tell you} "Deal with my son as you would deal with your own flesh and blood.With Passion and patience
Teach him with passion and, help him accomplish his goals with patience."
What other information would you like me to know about your child?
"Enrolling my son to Help center when he was 2 weeks old is the best decision my husband and I made. Well
Mustafa is only 2 but he came a long way. When he was a baby his
muscles were so weak. He couldn't lift his head. With care and physical
therapy by the Help Center his muscles became stronger, and he's
looking great now all his muscle tone is strong and very normal."
What other information would you like other people to know about your child?
"I would like
people to take a very good look at my son. He is happy and healthy. As
you can see Down Syndrome is not an illness, its a condition. He is just
a baby with an extra chromosome. He behaves as other children his age. He eats sleeps and plays like normal kids. I
would like people to wipe away the negative info they have about Down
Syndrome and look at the children that are taken care of by their
parents. Look at the children that go through the early intervention
How do you view special education in Saudi Arabia, in the next 10 years?
"It still evolving we need stronger awareness."
Is Mustafa enrolled in any services? (centers, schools, daycares)
"In the Help Center, on Tahlia St {Jeddah}"
What are some of Mustafa’s interests?
"Music, cars, toys, books and the beach."
In what ways have you educated yourself about Mustafa’s special need?
"The internet helped me a lot. I also bought books and DVD's.{ I also} Spoke to doctors.
I like talking to parents that have children with special needs and learn from their experiences."
Mustafa and his sisters :-) |
Thank you Nada and family for your time :-)
Mashallah. I wish you the best of luck with raising those 3 wonderful kids.
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